Sunday, 6. March 2016
Meet the Austrian delegation

Coordination: Caroline Koczan

Source: C:\fakepath\ÖstDelegOdeon.JPG
Tamara Peithner
Katharina Gassner
Melanie Diesner
Miriam Passweg
Maria Graupe
Sascha Baumann
Sonja Bertram
Sarah Magesacher
Meghety Tobejian
Said Rahman Mohammadi
Eliot Berisha
Buba Kinteh
Mahamud Mohamed Isse

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Meet Meghety Tobejian, Austrian delegation

Source: C:\fakepath\20151230_151353.jpg
Hi!! My name is Meghety , I'm 17 years old . I came from Aleppo,Syria to Austria before 1 year . My hobbies are playing piano and dancing ballet. I wanted to take part in Peace Camp , because I wanted to know what does "Peace" mean to other people. My expectation from peace camp is: I want that everybody knows how much Peace is important for the world and for the people .. And I'm looking forward to the Peace Camp 2016 .

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