My name is Eliot Berisha and I am 16 years old. I am from Kosovo and I am about a year in Austria. My hobbies are Football game, swimming; I am foodie, Films and repairing things. Beside that I am interested in Informatics.
I am speaking Albanian (it is my native language), English, German, and a little bit Spanish and Serbian. At the moment I live with people from different country together, they come for example from sierra Leone, Syria, and from Afghanistan. I like learning new languages and I am very interned in other countries and their histories ,geography und politics.
Why I joined Peace Camp?
The reason is I want know more about other countries and culture. I looking forward to know better people form other countries and to exchange ideas and experiences.
It is for also very exciting to discuss and to find a solution for different countries problems. I think very often for peace and I want to exchange with the others my ideas about peace. I find it also good that Austrian group gathered people forum different countries.
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