Tommy, one of the talk4peace moderators, hello everybody. I am really looking forward to meet you at the peacecamp 2016, which will be different from the last three which I have attended so far. I joined the team as a friend of Evelyn and Ronny, because I like their concept of encouraging youngsters to develop their visions for of a better and more peaceful future. I am curious which ideas you will develop with the other participants and I hope that it will be exciting and great fun for you, too.
In my view ethnic, religious, cultural differences are a resource for the future of any society rather than an obstacle. I think society should enable everybody to develop his or her talents and live without fear and aggression. It is frustrating for me to see so many political conflicts that make people suffer but could be solved with a bit of good will and ingenuity, especially in the Middle East. I am critical of both Israeli and Palestinian politics, but also of European politics towards refugees from war zones.
I was born and live in Vienna. I am an ex-teacher of maths, physics and political history and now I work at a university in educational research and teacher training. My passion is listening to music, reading literature and travelling (my photo portrait was shot in Soweto last November), meeting people and getting to know and understand different cultures, outlooks and perspectives .. And I am always eager to make new friends, why not in Lackenhof this summer?
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Hi, my name is Gerald Muthsam. I am living in the Northern part of Austria. I am very happy to be at peacecamp again, this will already be my tenth peacecamp. At my first three peacecamps I led Outdoor- , Video- and Photo workshops. As in last years I will produce a Video documentation.
I am looking forward to meeting you and am sure that it will be a wonderful experience again.
See you soon
Mein Name ist Gerald Muthsam. Ich lebe im Norden von Österreich. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich auch heuer wieder dabei sein darf. Ich bin mittlerweile das zehnte Mal beim Peacecamp dabei. Bei den ersten drei Peacecamps habe ich Outdoor-, Video- und Fotoworkshops gehalten. So wie die letzten Jahre werde ich heuer eine Videodokumentation vom Peacecamp drehen.
Ich freue mich auf euer Kommen und bin mir sicher, dass es wieder ein großartiges Erlebnis werden wird.
Bis bald,
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