Please invite your friends, parents, teachers to:
- show4peace/Lackenhof (Junges Hotel Lackenhof): July 13th, 2.30 - 6 pm
- show4peace/Vienna: Dschungel, MuQu, July 14th, 6.00 pm
Snacks and fun. Free entrance
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the Jewish Israeli and the Arab Israeli groups, led by Liz and Faizeh, met at Yagur School for activities meant to facilitate getting to know each other. "I have to say that the meeting was awesome !!!", says Faizeh :-)
On 19th of June 2016, the Arab-Israeli delegation from The Galil Secondary School from Nazareth to visit the Jewish-Israeli delegation in Carmel Zvulun high school from Elyaur at their school and have some workshops in order to get to know each other better.
In the beginning, one of the students from the Arab-Israeli delegation was given a small ball of thread and was told to say her name and her favourite food and throw it to another student from the other delegation and so on, until the ball isbassed to every student from both delegations. Then, we were told to say the name and the favourite food of the student that we threw the ball to. In the next workshop, the teacher from the Arab delegation spread cards with pictures and words on them, and we were told to describe our feelings about going to Austria. After that, we were departed into four groups, each with four students including Jewish and Arab delegation and we were given time to talk to each other and get to know each other better. Later, each group was given a different assignment they had to do and what they did. In the last workshop, we were given balloons and a small piece of paper, each, to write any question on it, that can be answered by both sides, put it in the balloon,throw the balloon randomly and everyone should pick any balloon, prick it and answer the question that was put in it.
All in all, we had an awesome time together and we became friends immediately. We wished that we could've met again before we travel, but we only had a little time before that. So, I'm looking forward to meeting them again and meeting the other delegations. See ya all soon. Bye!
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