Friday, 25. September 2015
peacecamp 2016: July 5th - 15th in Lackenhof and in Vienna

peacecamp 2016 will take place in the Ötscher mountains in a small village called Lackenhof.

Source: C:\fakepath\2013-10-19 Lackenhof7.jpg

Source: C:\fakepath\2014-07-10 10.51.04.jpg

Source: C:\fakepath\2014-07-06 10.25.20.jpg

Source: C:\fakepath\Lackenhof40.jpg

Source: C:\fakepath\2013-10-19 LackenhofDorf00.jpg

Source: C:\fakepath\2013-10-19 LackenhofHouse.02.jpg

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peacecamp 2016 in Lackenhof

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